Lucia zoekt een Kamer in Delft

Lucia zoekt: Een Kamer in Delft

  • Kamer
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 13 Per direct

My name is Lucia 29 and I’m a photographer and a video-maker, with two bachelor degrees in Film studies and Photography. I can’t find a job related to my study in Italy, so I would like to move to Netherlands to find my way and to experience other countries, languages and people…As you understood I love arts, photography, cinema and travel.

I'm looking for a room from the 1st of May but if I find something interesting I'll pay even the months before.

Ie live alone since when I was 18: I’ve been in a lot of towns, houses and I had a lot of different roommates. So, I know how is living in a community, what means respect and responsibility.

On the other hand I'm not annoying and obsessive cleaner and I like to have fun, spend time and drink with friends. Plus, I'm a good cook!

Right, we now come to my “problem”…my kid come with me…not crying baby, but my little furry creature. In fact I have A dog.

But please give me a chance and try to meet her: Paz! is a tiny dog, little old (and heart condition) so she’s very calm and quiet (she barks only 5 minutes if a stranger come in the house).

Algemene informatie: Lucia
  Vrouw, 37 jaar
Type huurder: Werkzoekende