Yu-Xuan zoekt een Studio in Delft

Yu-Xuan zoekt: Een Studio in Delft

  • Studio
  • Min. 20 m2
  • Man
  • 11 Per direct

Hi there, I'm Yu-Xuan Chuang from Taiwan. I am a PhD student of a project collaborated between University of Twente and Amsterdam UMC. Hence, I am looking for a nice studio/one-bedroom apartment near Amsterdam UMC. I am an organized, tidy and quiet guy. Most of my time will be spent on doing my research. In my leisure time, I like to play basketball, cooking, and watching Netflix. My montly income is around 2900 euro and my budget will be 1200 euro (all inclusive).

Algemene informatie: Yu-Xuan
  Man, 27 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  4e jaars PhD (HBO)